Question 2. What can one do to become a photographer?
Looking at photographs can be a primary activity. Photographs are made from other photographs, as well as drawings, paintings, and prints. Look at what drives your curiousity. Look at the classics. They have been preserved because the patterns recorded in them have proved to be invariably useful over time. Look at contemporary work that is wrestling with new and different ways of expressing ideas. Read, study, and practice different methods of photography, not for the sake of technique, but to discover the means to articulate your ideas. Step back from the familiar to better understand it. One big peril facing photographers is lack of commitment, which translates into indifference in their work. Talking, thinking, and writing about photography are vital components of understanding the process, but these activities do not make one a photographer. Ultimately, to be a photographer one must fully engage in the process and make photographs (usually lots of them).
R. Hirsch & J. Valentino (2001)
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The man who sat beside me on a bus. 2011. Canon G5. B&W conversion from RAW. |
当你开始阅读更多摄影的文章时,你会发现越来越多派别、风格和意见——因为摄影是非常个性化的活动。其中一个让我觉得又刺耳又被激励又有趣的是两个摄影师的辨论。Ken Rockwell 和 Petteri Sulonen 针对 RAW format 发表了个人意见,而我这种刚入门的学生被夹在中间,不懂要听谁的。Rockwell 主要的论点是有能力的摄影师靠 jpeg 就能创作好的照片,而且 RAW 对一般人是没有实际用途的(相机的科技已经能提供高素质的 jpeg);Sulonen 则反驳说只要适当地运用,RAW 能提供一个更高的平台(要看例子就按他名字的 link)。
- RAW 激发思考。实际上每一张 jpeg 照片都是经由相机自己处理过的,也就是说,我们一般的照片都是相机帮我们做主的。而我要问的是,为什么不偶尔自己为自己的照片作主呢?这跟自己煮饭或在餐厅叫菜一样。以上的照片是用 Photoshop 来将彩色手动转换成黑白的。如果让相机的 Grayscale mode 来决定的话,我无法凸现乘客的皱纹和裤子质感;
- 按下快门前,如果你相信自己的判断会好过相机本身,那就拍 RAW。但是不要抱着“以防万一”的心态来拍 RAW,这样让人懒惰;
- RAW 完工后还是要存成 jpeg (或者 tif——如果你电脑大把空位)。可是,无论成品的素质在电脑荧幕上多么地好,上传到很多免费的网站后,照片素质还是会降低。看看以上照片椅背的影子找到瑕疵了(一块块“淤血”)。我发现 Blogger (Google Picasa)会将黑暗部分的素质降到很低。
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