Let me write in English, for some may call this equal as all Malaysians speak English.
I walked down my daily route to the bus stop this morning. They were chirping, and I looked at them. Spring is coming, these are new bird species that I've never saw. Yet my head's bugging with things that happened before and during my country's National Day. Maybe those early birds were looking for the bugs in my mind.
Let me talk about a film,
2010 by Peter Hyams (1984). In
it there is a scene, where both American and Soviet astronauts watch the news that says USA and Soviet Union are at the brink of a nuclear war. The astronauts are instructed by their nation to stay on separate spaceships and avoid contact. There they are, 900 million km from Earth, knowing that they might not be friends with the people on the next spaceship anymore when their country start the war.
2010 (1984) from YouTube, have a start from 8.35 min.
And here I am, 6500 km away from my country, knowing that Chinese were told to
balik kampung, that Wee Meng Chee(黄明志)
being caught again, and that Chinese being attacked by Malays during the national parade.
The colours of our flag |
I feel ashamed to think how foreigner think of us. I don't really know how to confront with other Malaysians here in another country. Maybe these conflicts are good because we will only be active when we're hit hard on their face.
Are we Chinese good businessmen because we're good in minding our
own business? It's good to have discussions and "likes" on Facebook, but it's better to have actions. Take Greenpeace for an example, the newsletters in my mailbox don't just update me from environmental issues, they encourage me to join and
I couldn't really concentrate in the lectures today, not with these issues bugging in my head. My hope some birds would drop by and pick them off.