30 Aug 2012

"Not Malaysia, Not Nauru": Refugee Rights Rally, Brisbane 布里斯班难民人权集会

We need to welcome refugees. No to Malaysia. No to Nauru. No to offshore processing!

In late August 2001, John Howard and the Australian government refused 438 refugees, who had been rescued by freighter ship Tampa, access to Australia. Instead the asylum seekers were sent to Nauru, a tiny island, where they languished for months and years afterwards. Howard used this incident to whip up racism and to further strip refugees of their rights.

Today we see Labor and the Liberals competing to deny the rights of refugees, and attempt to dump them in other countries. Labor wanted Malaysia, the Liberals Nauru. Now that the so-called “panel of experts” has recommended re-opening the hell-holes of Nauru and Manus Island, this has become the immediate prospect for hundreds, maybe thousands, of unfortunate traumatized and vulnerable human beings.

"Not Malaysia, Not Nauru": Refugee Rights Rally, Brisbane
Rally for Refugee Rights, George Street. 2012. Nikon D5000.

大马和澳洲不久前签署的难民合约说明“Those (refugees) sent to Malaysia will be given rights to work, health care and education”,但我觉得大家都深感怀疑,这个承诺是否会实现。如今听说此合约谈不成,但是澳洲人民还是努力反对把收留难民的责任推卸给别的国家。

"Not Malaysia, Not Nauru": Refugee Rights Rally, Brisbane

"Not Malaysia, Not Nauru": Refugee Rights Rally, Brisbane
Speech, Brisbane Square. 2012.

"Not Malaysia, Not Nauru": Refugee Rights Rally, Brisbane

"Not Malaysia, Not Nauru": Refugee Rights Rally, Brisbane

"Not Malaysia, Not Nauru": Refugee Rights Rally, Brisbane
Audience, Brisbane Square. 2012.

"Not Malaysia, Not Nauru": Refugee Rights Rally, Brisbane


"Not Malaysia, Not Nauru": Refugee Rights Rally, Brisbane
Witness, Brisbane Square. 2012.

我要强调手机在现今时事的角色:很多第一手“新闻”都是目击者本身的录影,上传到 social media 宣传给大家看。我相信这位女士的录影很快便成为 Facebook 上 share 来 share 去、like 来 like 去的片段。我相信大马人民已经深深地体会到网络的便利,也许相信网络的人已经比相信报章的人多了。

"Not Malaysia, Not Nauru": Refugee Rights Rally, Brisbane

"Not Malaysia, Not Nauru": Refugee Rights Rally, Brisbane
March to the detention centre, Adelaide Street. 2012.

"Not Malaysia, Not Nauru": Refugee Rights Rally, Brisbane



27 Aug 2012


我认为椰树象征高等的生活水平——至少在美国是。从 Robert FrankThe Americans (1958) 里刊登的照片 Covered car - Long Beach, California, 1956 ,我们看见不知名的中上阶级人士买了一辆爱车,泊在摩登设计的方形屋子前,还有两颗显眼的椰树衬托。二战后的金融复苏,让一些幸运的美国市民得以逃往加州海岸,享受阳光和美景。


Palm and empty flag pole: the lost American dream
Royal palm and empty flag pole. 2012. Pentax K1000. Kodak 400TX.


The star gazer and the moon
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and half moon. 2012.


马来西亚缺乏梦。不是 2020 这种梦,而是人人平等这种梦。美国建国以来便灌输着 land of opportunity and freedom 这个概念,但是我国老早就被固打制拖慢脚步。如今人民已经觉醒,领袖就应该建立梦想。梦想固然迟早会被现实打破,但好过现在没有团结。有共同的目标,人民才会合作。一个大马的口号打得响,却被种种丑闻污染。

今天的负面消息太多,人民需要的是正面的业绩。 更重要的是,人民要开口要求。大选将近,做好准备。

25 Aug 2012


自己的经济冲洗,没买 wetting agent,难免在一些照片上留下顽固水迹(听起来很像洗衣粉的广告台词)。然后就是灰尘,扫描和印刷的天敌。

虽然成功冲洗了胶卷,但是黑白之中还是缺少了“阳光”。不管我怎样努力地贴近写实,黑白还是让观者觉得灰暗,怀念过去或者低沉。不喜欢被人看待成情绪化或消极,更不要用给我冠上 emo 这种俗气的形容词。我相信丰富的内容(如朋友的大笑、老人的遥望、女孩和蝴蝶、婴孩和浴缸……)可以赋予黑白照一种生气,但是这些人事物对于一个游子来说是非常稀罕的。


Stain and dust on film
West End (and water stain in the sky). 2012. Pentax K1000. Kodak 400TX.

24 Aug 2012


直到现在,才真正地自己冲洗底片(也是第一次用胶卷中的经典 Kodak 400TX)。从曝光到成像到扫描,都是自己经手的,不懂什么时候才能自己印照片(不是用印表机)。经历了整个摄影过程,摄影变得更像手艺,而并非单纯的“拍照”。


Contact sheet, Pentax K1000, Kodak 400TX
Contact sheet from scanner. 2012. Pentax K1000. Self-developed Kodak 400TX.

22 Aug 2012

Rough ideas on scannogram | 扫描器小记

Expressive yet letting thing as it is. It bears the reminiscence of the long forgotten photograms and crude cyanotypes. I still think scanner is a photographic tool worth exploring. Your photographic tool is only limited by your imagination.

With such shallow depth of field and dark background, life is portrayed as a delicate fabric floating in the abyss of time.

Doodia aspera
Doodia aspera. 2012. Canon CanoScan LiDE 700F.

Ibis feather pressed under a book. 2012.

Yes, more work will come through.

20 Aug 2012

Ekka #2: Our ambiguous relationship with animals | 我们与动物的暧昧关系

Our love with nature is an ambiguous one. And Ekka is a place to witness such an interesting relationship.

EKKA Showgrounds, Brisbane
Animal on show #1, Ekka Showground. 2012. Samsung NX5.

The grand parade at the main ring remains as the all-time favorite that "epitomises the Exhibition's commitment to excellence in animal husbandry" (Scott & Laurie 2008). Practiced for thousands of years, animal husbandry signifies humans' mutualism with domesticated animals. We provide food and shelter and guarantee a certain lifespan for the animals, and they "pay back" with meat, material, labour, and even companionship.

EKKA Showgrounds, Brisbane
Animal on show #2, Ekka Showground. 2012.

Our affinity to cute, fluffy farm animals was quickly shown at first sight. The UHs and AHs were accompanied by the virtual shutter clicks of cameraphones. Who could resist a harmless sheep that has been domesticated since ten thousand years ago? They don't bite. What I'm trying to say is that, through domestication, humans had succeeded in securing a safe environment to stabilise food production, grow settlement, and start to understand nature without worrying of danger. Our love with nature could only begin when the fear of nature was overcome.

EKKA Showgrounds, Brisbane
Animal on show #3, Ekka Showground. 2012.

The exhibition worker behind the llama kept reminding that the animal does spit (on our faces) but it only does it rarely. Anyhow, some brave Ekka goers still took photographs with the animal while hoping that it wouldn't be their unlucky day.

EKKA Showgrounds, Brisbane
Animal on show #4, Ekka Showground. 2012.

Then I came across this hand-washing station where people washed their hands after touching the animals. There we are, uncomfortable with the slightest dirt because modern science told us that anything wild could bring disease. In his Captive Landscapes (2011) project statement, Daniel Kukla mentioned "[w]e, as humans, go to great lengths to satisfy our desire for a connection with the natural world, especially in our interactions with wild and exotic animals." However, we are still subconsciously aware of the fact that we are fragile and highly susceptible to germs and disease vectors.

EKKA Showgrounds, Brisbane
Animal on show #5, Ekka Showground. 2012.

So what really describes our relationship with animals, or more broadly, nature? The definition is becoming more ambiguous and confusing as "we go about re-contextualizing the 'natural world,' and thus, redefining the way we perceive it (Ford 2010)." Like drawings, we picture (and hope that) the relationship as a friendly one.

EKKA Showgrounds, Brisbane
Animal on show #6, Ekka Showground. 2012.

Are we really living side-to-side with animals? Or can we? I say we can, but not totally as the human comfort zone prevents us from being truly nature.

EKKA Showgrounds, Brisbane
Animal on show #7, Ekka Showground. 2012.

We will continue the endless journey to search for a meaning, but I shall end this essay with a question. If love is to pursuit the happiness of both sides, can we claim our love to nature when we are actually unhappy about the current situation of the environment?

EKKA Showgrounds, Brisbane
Animal on show #8, Ekka Showground. 2012.

Special thanks to:
Jeremy, who had kindly lent me his camera.
Kyle Ford and Daniel Kukla, whose photography projects have inspired me to think about human-animal interactions.

17 Aug 2012

Ekka #1: Family

When I tried to search for the word "Family" in the index of Showtime: a history of the Brisbane Exhibition (2008) by J. Scott and R. Laurie, I couldn't. Neither is there a dedicated chapter about family business at the Ekka, an annual agricultural show of Queensland, Australia. And because I'm lazy to read through all 277 pages of the book, I decided to add a humble chapter of mine to the festival. A chapter about family.

Family #1, EKKA Showgrounds. 2012. Samsung NX5.

As a foreign student in the land of Oz, I have the opportunity to study the different views about festival between countries. Sadly, traditional festivals are quickly forgotten as children in Malaysia grow up. iPhones, shopping malls, and night clubs soon became the way Malaysian teenagers celebrate their youth. In contrast, kids over here, mostly without their parents around, lingered around the Ekka as elders made their annual visit. How I miss the funfair at Malaysia back in the 90s.

EKKA Showgrounds, Brisbane
Family #2, EKKA Showgrounds. 2012.

Don't forget to mention tourists who joined the crowd, and I was one of them who paid the same $20 entry fee. But I was here not to eat or ride a merry-go-around, but to document the faces of Brisbane.

EKKA Showgrounds, Brisbane
Family #3, EKKA Showgrounds. 2012.

Sunny day as it is usual, the iconic weather of Queensland. That might explain why people here don't wear heavy makeup, because the sun provides eye shadow for free.

EKKA Showgrounds, Brisbane
Family #4, EKKA Showgrounds. 2012.

I believe a family's bond can be strengthened simply by hanging out with each other more often, especially in the present day where parents could easily overwork and forget to read their children to sleep.

EKKA Showgrounds, Brisbane
Family #5, EKKA Showgrounds. 2012.

We are increasingly relying on school teachers to educate our children, while parenting, another important form of education, is being ignored despite its powerful one-on-one impact. The Ekka showgrounds provide a good opportunity for parents to guide their children around animals, to teach them about the mutualistic relationship between farm animals and humans, and to make them understand one of the drivers of economy, agriculture. We take materials for granted nowadays, children need to understand how fragile the production line could be and start appreciating it.

EKKA Showgrounds, Brisbane
Family #6, EKKA Showgrounds. 2012.

Parents are always the guidance, they lead the way.

EKKA Showgrounds, Brisbane
Family #7, EKKA Showgrounds. 2012.

And they comfort.

EKKA Showgrounds, Brisbane
Family #8, EKKA Showgrounds. 2012.

Special thanks to camera owner Jeremy.

15 Aug 2012


和钢琴调音师一样,摄影的人也在找着最恰当的组合(快门和光圈),来把重要的一刻留下。我们都在寻找平衡点。一架谦卑的旧底片相机,可以让一个学生重新学习。回到原点,叫人探索“静”的精神,不要像谚语 an empty can makes the most noise 那样,虚有其表。

Shutter dial, Pentax K1000
K1000 #1. 2012. Nikon D5000.


Aperture ring, Pentax-M 50mm on K1000
K1000 #2. 2012.


13 Aug 2012



Droplet. 2012. Pentax K1000. Kodak BW40CN.


Workers, Roma Street, Brisbane
Workers, Roma Street. 2012.

用一分钟感受一下这些幕后人士的贡献,他们是所谓的 unsung heroes


12 Aug 2012



Market Day, UQ, Brisbane. 2012. Nikon D5000.


8 Aug 2012




Bruce Highway, QLD
Way back, Bruce-Pacific Highway (series). 2012. Pentax K1000. Kodak BW400CN.



Pacific Motorway, QLD

Pacific Motorway, QLD

Pacific Motorway, QLD

Pacific Motorway, QLD

Pacific Motorway, QLD

Pacific Motorway, QLD

Pacific Motorway, QLD

Pacific Motorway, QLD

Pacific Motorway, QLD

Pacific Motorway, QLD

Pacific Motorway, QLD

Pacific Motorway, QLD

Pacific Motorway, QLD

Pacific Motorway, QLD

Pacific Motorway, QLD

Pacific Motorway, QLD

Pacific Motorway, QLD

Pacific Motorway, QLD

照片集还没伟大到能被称为 This is Australian Highway ,因为我相信我只探索了这片土地的 1%。也许未来能完成这种 project 吧,也许是马来西亚的南北大道,希望如此。

Pacific Motorway, QLD
I saw Batman on the way back. 2012.


刚读完 Sunil Gupta 和 Radhika Singh 编辑的 《Click! : contemporary photography in India》 (2008),深同感受马来西亚人民对摄影和艺术的认知还不深。我本身深深感受到教育的缺乏,让我对这门学问一知半解。我说,让我们一起学习吧,因为艺术是陶治人民修养的道具。(我好像讲到太远了……)