6 Nov 2011

Question #11

Question 11. What are the advantages of digital imaging over silver-based imagemaking?

As in silver-based photography, digital imaging allows truth to be made up by whatever people deem to be important and whatever they choose to subvert. While analog silver-based photographers begin with "everything" and often rely on subtractive composition to accomplish these goals, digitalization permits artists to start with a blank slate. This allows imagemakers to convey the sensation and emotional weight of a subject without being bound by its physical conventions, giving picturemakers a new context and venues to express the content of their subject.

R. Hirsch & J. Valentino (2001)

当然,Hirsch & Valentino 少说的是数码的“双便”——便利和便宜。不小心发明了一个不可能念到的词,双便……双便……话说回来,暂且不谈胶卷的独特,数码摄影确实让摄影师省了胶卷和冲洗的步骤(虽然自己冲洗印刷还是非常令人兴奋)和费用。费用!这就是为什么上一次扫描胶卷已是那么遥远的过去。不管摄影了多少年,构图还是很有挑战性,时时不得意。虽说数码让人可以作无数的尝试,下面几张照片还是没有一张是满意的。

Cliff attempt #1. 2011. Canon G5.
Cliff #1
Cliff attempt #2.
Cliff #3
Cliff attempt #3.
Cliff #2
Cliff attempt #4.


Good pictures are usually the provenance of artists, who are the ones worrying about creating better pictures, instead of making better cameras. This is why women make a disproportionately better share of good pictures than men: women aren't worrying about the gear.

Good photographers...have always been able to make great pictures, regardless of the technology at their disposal

Ken Rockwell in Don't Worry: Just Shoot